Now In-Network with TRICARE Insurance

We utilize the latest FDA-Approved TMS Therapy to treat Service Members, Retirees, and their Families.
Call (949) 370-0771 Today!
Individualized Treatment Plans
Our TMS Center provides an individualized, customized, completely unique treatment plan for every client.
No two clients are the same, even when they present with seemingly similar symptoms.
This is due to a multitude of variables, such as:
- Different life experiences
- Different medications and reactions to them
- Any history of substance abuse
- Stress – emotional, physical, environmental, etc.
All of the above, and more, affect each person’s brain differently.
The above holds true for physiological and neurological disorders, as well, from tinnitus to chronic pain, traumatic brain injury, cognitive decline, and others.
Therefore, every individual’s unique brain requires a customized approach to treatment.
Patients come to us having tried TMS, previously, but failing to obtain lasting healing. This is due, almost entirely, to a deficient and/or improper previous TMS treatment protocol (i.e. improper Hz level, frequency, chain length, etc.; improper stimulation location; deficient number of sessions).
We employ the following to ensure the greatest degree of success:
Scientific, measurable, data-driven approach to maximize the benefits of TMS treatment
We utilize only measurable scientific data (rather than subjective markers) to determine the efficacy of TMS treatment:
EEG Brain Mapping and Guided Therapy:
We utilize EEG (electroencephalogram imaging) to measure brain electro-cortical activity over the scalp to identify individual Peak Alpha Frequency.
All individuals do not respond to TMS the same way. For this reason, we use EEG imaging to identify the regions and the frequency range of neuronal (brain cell) activity associated with reported symptoms – we then customize a treatment protocol/plan specific to the individual to maximize healing.
Comprehensive Assessment and Testing:
Prior to treatment commencement, we administer a comprehensive cohort of tests and scales to obtain the most extensive pre-assessment possible, which is the basis for the prescribed protocol.
We then administer the same extensive tests and scales at regular intervals — during the course of treatment — to assure that the desired healing is occurring.
This data is used to modify the treatment prescription along the way, if indicated.
Psychotherapy (talk therapy)
Numerous studies, including our own empirical data across hundreds of patients, evidence that when psychotherapy accompanies TMS, the successful outcome rate are even higher than with TMS alone.
We have a staff of highly capable and experienced clinicians, who provide talk therapy to our TMS clients, who desire this significant added benefit.
To make psychotherapy available to as many clients as possible, we offer a highly discounted ’10-Session Psychotherapy Package’.
Medication Management
It is always our expectation that our patients will be able to significantly reduce, if not entirely stop, their need for medication. We do this in a safe, calculated manner to reduce withdrawal and other symptoms, and we do so in full collaboration with the patient, at her/his determination.
In some instances, our psychiatrists may actually prescribe an additional medication, short-term, in order to maximize the TMS treatment effect. We also utilize ‘medical food’ supplements, at times, as well.
Start Your Personalized Treatment Plan Today
Prescribing the most effective TMS treatment protocol has a high degree of complexity that requires a highly skilled and experienced physician. There is no ‘one size fits all’ prescription for TMS, even when treating the very same mental illnesses.
At Brain Therapy TMS, we constantly seek and employ the most progressive, evidence-based methods and resources to achieve the greatest degree of healing for our patients.
Call our line to see what we can do for you!